How To Make Pear Wine
Homemade Wine Recipe
Ingredients: Pear Wine

6 pints chopped pears - use soft, ripe pears
1 lb / 450 grams raisins
3 lbs / 1,350 grams granulated sugar
1 teaspoon acid blend
1/2 teaspoon pectic enzyme
Wine yeast
1 teaspoon yeast nutrient / energiser
8 pints / 1 gallon water
1 campden tablet
Method - What to Do
Wash and finely chop pears, ensuring that no pear juice is lost. Transfer pears to winemaking fermentation bucket and cover with boiling water. Chop washed raisins and add to pear wine mixture, together with the other wine ingredients, except for the wine yeast and pectic enzyme. Allow to stand until the pear wine mixture has cooled to room temperature.
Activate the wine yeast and add to the winemaking bucket, with the pectic acid. Stir well, making sure that all of the sugar is dissolved. Ferment for five days, stir twice a day. Strain well and pour fermenting pear wine 'must' into wine demijohn, with suitable airlock. Rack for the first time at six weeks, and then two month times over the next six months. At one year old, bottle the pear wine. The wine should be clear and very drinkable at this stage, although the pear wine will improve if allowed to stand for a few months.
Pear wine recipe - More Wine Recipes.