How To Make Fennel Wine
Homemade Wine Recipe

Ingredients: Fennel Wine
Large bunch of freshly picked fennel leaves (feathery)
1 oz / 25 grams dried fennel
1/2 pint strong black tea
1/2 pint redcurrant juice
1/2 grape juice
3 1/2 lb / 1,500 grams sugar
2 lemons
1 teaspoon citric acid
1 slice of toast
5 pints / 2,750 ml cooled, boiled water
1/4 oz / 10 grams wine yeast
Method - What to Do
This wine is reputed to be a historical slimming recipe, although it should be said that this has never been proved.
Place the freshly picked fennel leaves in the clean fermentation bucket and pour on the water (boiling). Leave for just one hour and then strain this mixture onto the sugar, discarding the stewed leaves. Once cooled, add the remainder of the ingredients, except for both the yeast and the slice of toast. Stir well, until the sugar has completely dissolved. At this stage, float the toast on the mixture, after first sprinkling with the yeast. Allow to ferment in a warm room for three days, stirring two or three times each day.
Strain the mixture and pour into a demijohn, sealing with a sterilized airlock and leaving until the fermentation has completed, which is likely to last approximately four months. Siphon the fennel wine into a second demijohn and leave for a further four months, by which time the fennel wine should be completely clear. Bottle and leave to stand for a month or two before drinking.
Fennel wine recipe - More Wine Recipes.