How To Make Dandelion and Ginger Wine
Homemade Wine Recipe
Ingredients: Dandelion and Ginger Wine

1 lb / 450 grams dandelion flower heads - without calyx
1/2 oz / 14 grams ginger
1/2 pint strong black tea
1/2 tartaric acid
3 lb / 1,350 grams sugar
Water up to 1 gallon
Yeast nutrient
Wine yeast
Method - What to Do
Boil the dandelion heads and leave to infuse for one hour. Strain the liquid into a fermentation bucket together with ginger and sugar. Stir vigorously to dissolve the sugar. When cool add the tartaric acid, strong tea, yeast nutrient and wine yeast and cover and leave for three days, stirring daily. Strain into a demijohn and fit an airlock to seal the jar.
Store in a warm place and allow the fermentation to work. When fermentation has ceased, rack the wine into a clean jar and place in a cooler environment and leave. When the wine is clear and stable siphon into bottles.
Dandelion and Ginger wine recipe - More Wine Recipes.